
Nina Röder: Taubenpaarung, 2020, aus der Serie Champagner im Keller, 2020, Tintenstrahldruck

Nina Röder: Taubenpaarung, 2020, aus der Serie Champagner im Keller, 2020, Tintenstrahldruck
The Champagner im Keller (Champagne in the Cellar) series is part of Nina Röder’s work about her family, which addresses loss and grief in a performative and humorous way. As in her previous series, Nina Röder explores individual agency and the influence our family and origins as well as loss and inherited trauma can exert on our thoughts and actions. Using the possibilities of photographic staging, Röder’s work lends tangible form to the process of letting go family members as a changeable construct in our present reality.